This is the most common species of quail, the bobwhite is often referred to as the number one game bird of the eastern and southern United States. It ranges from Canada to Mexico and its found east of the Rocky Mountains. A combination of fields, brush, weed patches and wood lots are ideal places for bobwhite habitat.Bobwhite Quail is a favorite of game bird breeders, hunters and bird lovers alike. Just about everyone is familiar with male's call for which the species is named. These plump little birds have the most widespread range of any quail species, with over 20 subspecies ranging from Canada to southern Mexico. They have also been introduced abroad.
California Quail
Its also known as valley quail, California quail are the most popular of the five species of western quail. They range in the north and southwestern part of the United States and have been successfully introduced into western Canada. California quail tend to roost in trees and can form large coveys with hundreds of birds. Foothills, valleys with grassland, moist chaparral and scattered trees are the preferred habitat of this species of quail.
Mountain Quail
This is the largest quail species found in the United States, mountain quail possess a unique characteristic of two straight feathers that arch over the back. Their fall range is consistent with that of the California quail. They will also migrate into the mountains in the spring to nest and return to lower levels in the fall. Mountain quail prefer habitat in brushy clearings or forested areas.
Gambel's Quail
Also known as desert quail, its located in dry regions of the southwestern United States. It thrives in the dry-arid regions that consist of desert shrubs. Gambel's quail, along with the California quail, are the only two species to have successfully interbred in the wild.
Scaled Quail
Its known as blue quail, scaled quail are known for their head with a crested tip of white and their blue scaled appearance. The scaled quail is found in arid grassland and desert shrub areas in the southern and western parts of the United States. They often prefer cover that consists of brush piles or piles of wood.
Mearn's Quail
With the smallest range in the United States, the Mearn's quail is found in southern Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Mexico. They live in mountain areas populated with oak and juniper trees as well as grasslands. Often referred to as Messena, Montezuma or Harlequin quail, they have a unique coloration of feathers which aids in their means of camouflage. Also known as Montezuma Quail.
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