Thursday, 10 October 2013

life cycle of a quail

Quail generally survive for 3-4 years. An adult quail weights between 150-200 grams. They start laying egg from their 6-7 weeks age. Eggs weights between 7-15 gram. They lay about 290-300 eggs per year. Eggs are very beautiful. Presence of light increase the egg productive efficiency of quail. They lay eggs at afternoon. It takes 17 days to come out the baby from egg. Newly born quail weights between 6-7 grams. Quail never incubate their eggs. For breeding purpose keep one male quail with three female quail. Baby quail become very sensitive and takes about two weeks to be strong. 9-11 grams weight eggs with smooth and hard eggshell is suitable for producing baby.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

what is the difference between a male quail and a female quail

There's a number of things that can be used to distinguish between a male and a female quail.
  •  Body color - females are brighter  rather than males. 
  •  males quail crowed, while female quails are not crowed.
  • . female quail have a heavier weighting of 20% compared to male quail
  • Another difference is also visible in the hole widened out horizontally at the back near the rectum, female quail. Meanwhile, at the male quails, it appears there is sphere and out of white fluid (sperm) if the push

Benefits of quail farming

The benefits of quail farming are described below.
  • Quail is a small sized bird so it can be raised in small place.
  • Food cost of quail is comparatively lower than chicken or other bird.
  • Diseases are less in quail.
  • Quail grows very fast.
  • Easily manageable and do not need specialized attention
  • Start laying eggs at the age of 6-7 weeks.
  • Baby quail come out from egg within 16-18 days.
  • Meat and eggs of quail is very delicious and nutritious.
  • Quail farming needs small capital and labor.
  • Quail can be raised successfully in commercial method.
  • Quail is a very strong bird.
  • Quail meat contain less fat. So, it is suitable for high blood pressure patients.
  • They produce 1 kg by consuming 3kg food.
  • They do not incubate egg. So, chicken or incubator is needed to produce baby quail.
  • 6-7 quail can be raised in the place needed for one chicken.
  • As the eggs are small in size so it’s price is low than other birds egg. As a result all types of people can buy their eggs.
  • As the primary cost is low so the business can be started with little investment.
  • 6-8 quail can be raised in 0.91 squire netter area.
  • Feed converting efficiency of quail is very good 3:1.
  • A better tool to alleviate poverty.
  • Promotes body and brain development in children
  •  Best balanced food for pregnant and nursing mothers 

characteristics of Quail

The following are the characteristics of quails:
  • Quail is a very small sized bird.
  • An adult quail weights between 150-200 grams and egg weights 7-15 grams.
  • Female quail start laying egg at the age of 6-7 weeks and lay one egg daily continuously.
  • They lays about 300 eggs in first year. After that 150-175 eggs in second year.
  • Quail egg is very suitable for human health. It contain 2.47 % less fat than chicken egg. Many people think that quail egg helps to prevent blood pressure, diabetic, pant etc.
  • Quail meat is very tasty and nutritious. Fat is very low in this meat. So, it is very suitable for blood pressure patients.
  • Eggs are very beautiful with multiple color.
  • They do not incubate their eggs.

how to keep Quails.

Before you start keeping quails in your backyard, you would need to obtain a licence from the Department of Natural Resources.You are going to need a permit to raise game birds There are wild animals and should not be kept housed. Housing quails would require you with a shelf-like setting and protected from the constantly changing temperatures.

To keep a quail, you will need to make a cage for the bird and ensure that it is warm and well ventilated.
You should partition the cage so that it has a pace for the feeder, litter or bedding and drinker. These birds are related to chicken and they can be kept as a hobby or on small scale.

 To keep quails you first have to build an aviary that is large enough to give the birds adequate roaming space (six quail would need about 60 square feet of space).

 Use soft netting for the roof of the aviary and ensure that it is predator-proof. Plant lots of bushes and grass in the aviary before adding the quail, the quail will feel more comfortable with lots of natural places to hide. In addition, make a sheltered area where the quail can shelter from cold and direct sunlight.
Below is an example of Quails cage.

benefits of quail eggs

Quail eggs are considered to be one of the best known natural treatment products.They are proved to be a very valuable source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12 and vitamin D, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, phosphorus and other essential micro-nutrients, minerals and amino acids, which is why they are recommended for regular consumption.

To eat quail eggs as part of a healthy diet it is recommended to cons ume them raw. A lot of the people don’t like the idea but to make the taste more pleasant you can mix it in orange or tomato juice. In order to strengthen the immune system and improve the blood quality a course of 60 eggs is recommended. Initially 3, then 5 eggs a day should be consumed. Obviously no one is suggesting that quail eggs are any kind of a wonder-medicine and will cure serious illnesses like cancer or similar, but their positive effect on human body has been proven.

 Chinese medical practitioners have been using quail eggs as a treatment for hundreds of years with brilliant results. As quail eggs are slowly becoming an easy to get product on the market more and more people are beginning to show interest in their use as an active natural medicine instead of the chemical products with so many side effects.

Experts in natural treatment methods claim that quail eggs have positive effects on people with stress problems, hypertension, digestive disturbance, gastric ulcer, liver problems, blood pressure and lipid control, migraine, asthma, anemia, various types of allergies, eczema, heart problems, bronchitises illnesses, depression, panic and anxiety illnesses.

 Quail eggs are also known to stimulate growth, increase sexual appetite, stimulate brain functions which improves intelligence quotient and generally rejuvenates the body.

Types of Quails.

Bobwhite Quail
This is the most common species of quail, the bobwhite is often referred to as the number one game bird of the eastern and southern United States. It ranges from Canada to Mexico and its found east of the Rocky Mountains. A combination of fields, brush, weed patches and wood lots are ideal places for bobwhite habitat.Bobwhite Quail is a favorite of game bird breeders, hunters and bird lovers alike. Just about everyone is familiar with male's call for which the species is named. These plump little birds have the most widespread range of any quail species, with over 20 subspecies ranging from Canada to southern Mexico. They have also been introduced abroad.

 California Quail
Its also known as valley quail, California quail are the most popular of the five species of western quail. They range in the north and southwestern part of the United States and have been successfully introduced into western Canada. California quail tend to roost in trees and can form large coveys with hundreds of birds. Foothills, valleys with grassland, moist chaparral and scattered trees are the preferred habitat of this species of quail.

Mountain Quail
This is the largest quail species found in the United States, mountain quail possess a unique characteristic of two straight feathers that arch over the back. Their fall range is consistent with that of the California quail. They will also migrate into the mountains in the spring to nest and return to lower levels in the fall. Mountain quail prefer habitat in brushy clearings or forested areas.

Gambel's Quail
Also known as desert quail, its located in dry regions of the southwestern United States. It thrives in the dry-arid regions that consist of desert shrubs. Gambel's quail, along with the California quail, are the only two species to have successfully interbred in the wild.

Scaled Quail
Its known as blue quail, scaled quail are known for their head with a crested tip of white and their blue scaled appearance. The scaled quail is found in arid grassland and desert shrub areas in the southern and western parts of the United States. They often prefer cover that consists of brush piles or piles of wood.

Mearn's Quail
With the smallest range in the United States, the Mearn's quail is found in southern Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Mexico. They live in mountain areas populated with oak and juniper trees as well as grasslands. Often referred to as Messena, Montezuma or Harlequin quail, they have a unique coloration of feathers which aids in their means of camouflage. Also known as Montezuma Quail.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

What is Quail

The term “quail” is used to refer to two distinctly different, though related, groups of birds within the order Galliformes. Old World quail are in the pheasant family, while New World birds are in the family Odontophoridae. While the birds may look superficially similar, they are fact genetically quite distinct; the reason that the name is used to discuss both groups is because early colonists were not terribly skilled at identifying wildlife, and they had a tendency to re-use Old World terms rather than coming up with more specific names for New World discoveries.

Old World quail are fairly small, plump, migratory birds. Most of them are found in the genus Coturnix, and they have been hunted as game birds for centuries. Because of their small size, quail are time-consuming to prepare, but many consumers think that the preparation is worth it for the delicate flavor of well-prepared meat. As a result, some species are domesticated and kept on farms for the purpose of ensuring a steady supply of meat and eggs, another delicacy.